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- Doz M, Chouaid C, Com Ruelle L, et al. The association between asthma control, health care costs, and quality of life in France and Spain. BMC Pulm Med. 2013 Mar 22;13:15.
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- SEPAR y SIGRE: colaboración para sensibilizar sobre el reciclaje de inhaladores. [Internet]. Vol 60, Jun 2017. [Último acceso: abril 2023]. Disponible en:
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- Woodcock A, Janson C, Rees J, et al. Effects of switching from a metered dose inhaler to a dry powder inhaler on climate emissions and asthma control: post hoc analysis. Thorax. 2022 Dec;77(12):1187-1192.
- Guía Española del manejo del asma (GEMA) 5.2 [Internet] 2022 [Último acceso abril 2023]. Disponible en:
UA Abril 2023: NP-ES-MPL-WCNT-220023(v2)